Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali AB ("Eternali" or "the Company") will be part of the green transition and joins the UN Global Compact. By joining, Eternali commits to the Ten Principles of human rights and labour rights, safeguarding the environment, and working against corruption. Eternali has also identified which of the UN's 17 sustainability goals the Company can contribute most to.
Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali (publ) has hired Pernilla Enkler as Chief Sustainability Officer. Pernilla has extensive experience of communication and sustainability work at several large companies. Her most recently assignment as Head of Communications and Sustainability at Bellman Group, a major Swedish construction group.
Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali (publ) hires Tim Carlsson as CFO. Tim leaves a position as CFO of Kopy Goldfields, a commodity company listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali (publ) has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) relating to a potential acquisition of a plantation in northern Brazil primarily containing mature and semi-mature tropical hardwood. The deal is valued in the range of 13MEUR to 15MEUR. The LOI terms specify the payment be made in newly issued Eternali shares at 250 SEK per share.
The shareholders of Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali, reg. no. 559247-4976, (the "Company") are hereby invited to the extra general meeting to be held on Tuesday 15 March 2022. The extra general meeting will be carried out through advance voting (postal voting) pursuant to temporary legislation. Thus, it will not be possible to attend in person or through proxy at the extra general meeting.