Certified Eucalyptus Plantations: An Essential Part of Sustainable Forestry
Commercial forestry, when managed responsibly, is one of the most effective ways to preserve natural forests. While this may seem counterintuitive, modern and efficient forestry practices, when aligned with environmental laws and nature's balance, help achieve two critical goals: 1) conserving natural forests, and 2) absorbing carbon dioxide.
The plantations we source from not only contribute to forest conservation and carbon sequestration but also, by focusing on fast-growing species like eucalyptus, produce more wood per hectare in a shorter timeframe compared to slower-growing species. Fast-growing trees like eucalyptus are highly sustainable, provided they are planted and managed with environmental responsibility.
The demand for eucalyptus is continuously increasing due to its highly versatile applications, ranging from premium paper and bioenergy to eco-friendly textiles and medicinal oils, driving innovation across multiple industries.
To responsibly contribute to the growing demand for wood raw materials and green products, it is natural for us to only work with FSC-certified plantations (Forest Stewardship Council), ensuring that biodiversity is preserved, waterways and soil are protected, and the negative impacts on local communities are minimized.
Read more about FSC here.