Press release 2022-10-06
Eternali strengthens management with Chief Sustainability Officer from Bellman Group
Skogsaktiebolaget Eternali (publ) has hired Pernilla Enkler as Chief Sustainability Officer. Pernilla has extensive experience of communication and sustainability work at several large companies. Her most recently assignment as Head of Communications and Sustainability at Bellman Group, a major Swedish construction group.
- In all my previous roles, I have run and established the sustainability function where sustainability requirements from owners, investors and customers have been a significant part of the business. But it has also been about changing already existing business models to become more sustainable. At Eternali, we start building sustainability right from the ground up, from the beginning. And I'm looking forward to that, says Pernilla Enkler.
Pernilla took up her position on 1 September 2022 and is a member of the management team.
- Pernilla is very competent and experienced, and I am extremely happy that we have completed this class recruitment. The position as Cheif Sustainability Officer is a key position and an obvious part of Eternali's management team. In all the exciting dialogues we have today with all stakeholders, from customers to suppliers and financiers, sustainability is now always on the agenda. But also, for me personally, says Andreas Forssell, CEO.
For more information please contact:
Andreas Forssell, CEO
phone: +46 76 015 15 95
email: andreas.forssell@eternali.se
Pernilla Enkler, CSO
phone: + 46 73 509 53 37
email: pernilla.enkler@eternali.se
About Eternali
About Eternali
Eternali is a forest products company with a focus on being a player in the global value chain for fast-growing wood fiber as a raw material. Our vision is to create value in the green transition. Eternali operates with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Production and operations are in northern Brazil, headquartered in Belém. For more information visit Eternali's website, eternali.se.