A unique sourcing capability


Finding and gaining access to raw material – not selling it, which happens almost automatically in terms of demand – is everything in our industry. Especially in Brazil, a country the size of Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains, with about 7.3 million hectares of eucalyptus plantations, knowledge of the local raw material and soil becomes crucial.

Our team in Belem, Brazil have spent the last five years identifying, mapping and evaluating soil and raw materials in northern Brazil. We have also invested in and developed a completely unique platform with direct connections to official land databases which form a unique search engine for access to the right land and raw material. We call this platform Terroá. With exclusive access to this platform, we get a great advantage in the sourcing of raw materials.

Our focus has been to locate land with perfect logistical locations that support our strategy – ready to harvest eucalyptus plantations, areas with great volumes of sourcing for wood chips, but also unused land for planting.