A green wood company


This is Eternali

We are a wood raw materials company that supply our customers with wood logs from fast-growing eucalyptus as well as wood chips for biomass. We have our operations and production in northern Brazil, while our head office is based in Sweden.

Our operations are based on trading in and managing harvest of responsibly managed and certified eucalyptus plantations for wood logs, and producing wood chips for biomass in our own production facilities where we source from responsible managed sawmills in the region.

For supply of both wood logs and wood chips, we use fixed long-term delivery agreements with both domestic and international customers. For international deliveries we ship from ports in north Brazil, in the State of Para.

Our aim is to participate as much as possible to the green transition by supplying high-quality and fast-growing eucalyptus from certified plantations which contributes to conserving natural forests as well as adding to the absorption of carbon dioxide, and also by supplying responsibly produced wood chips for biomass that substitutes fossil fuels in many industrial sectors today. This is why we call our products the “Green wood”.

Want to know more about us and our products?

Use the link below to send us an email and we will tell you all about who we are and/or the products we can supply.
