Eternali stories


Eternali publish its Annual Report 2022

Today we publish our Annual Report for 2022.

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Eternali welcomes new law to fight global deforestation

Last week, EU parliament adopted a new law to fight global deforestation. Eternali welcomes this law. Change requires tougher demands from legislators, says Andreas Forssell, CEO at Eternali. Read our latest story.

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We choose the more sustainable option - transport on water instead of trucks on land significantly reduces the climate footprint

Transport on water instead of trucks on land significantly reduces the climate footprint. An easy choice says CEO. Read our latest story.

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Another milestone reached as our logistics plan has been validated by customer

Great news! Read the update from our CEO on our logistics plan beeing validated by customer.

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To the left, Coopmar before road repair, 2022. To the right, same road after road repair, 2023.

Road improvement work completed - one step closer to delivery

We are ready! The road work between the plantation and the transshipment port is done and we are one step closer to deliver eucalyptus to the global market. Read more.

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Christmas greetings from the CEO

Eternali CEO Andreas Forssell expresses gratidute for an eventful and amazing 2022 with wishes of a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Read his reflections from the past year.

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