Eternali stories


Eternali in green growth push - "There is huge demand for our sustainable commodity"

Through investments in fast growing eucalyptus trees, the Swedish forest developer Eternali looks to provide Europe with a sustainable commodity that will be essential to support the ongoing green transition. Eternali is now raising 8 million SEK in a pre-IPO to fund the...

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Meet Eternali’s new CEO – Andreas Forssell

With a background in energy and sustainability, Andreas Forssell now assumes the role of CEO. He will help Eternali break new ground in the raw materials sector with a strong ESG focus and sustainable business. Andreas most recently came from a CEO position at the...

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Eternalis' land database creates unique competitive advantages

For three to four years, Eternali has built up a unique land database in Brazil. The information will now be used to guide the company correctly in its forest investments and ensure an uncompromising sustainability profile. It is a completely unique database that we have built...

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