General Meetings
According to the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551), the General Meeting of shareholders is the highest decision-making body of the Company, where all shareholders have the right to exercise their votes. The Companies Act and the Articles of Association stipulate how notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meeting should be given, as well as who is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. There is no limitation to the number of votes each shareholder can cast at the meeting. Every share has the right to one vote.
Eternali’s financial year is January 1 to December 31. The Annual General Meeting must be held within a period of six months after the end of the financial year.
At the AGM, shareholders pass resolutions on key issues. For example, the AGM approves the income statements and balance sheets, the appropriation of the Company's profit or loss, the discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, the election of the Board of Directors and the auditors and the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the auditors.
Notice of Eternali’s Annual General Meeting must be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than four weeks before the meeting. Notice of any other General Meeting of shareholders shall be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than three weeks before the meeting.
Notice of general meetings shall be given through an advertisement in Post- och Inrikes tidningar and on Eternali’s website. Confirmation that notice has been given shall be confirmed via an announcement in Svenska Dagbladet.
Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must register with the Company no later than the date specified in the notice of the meeting.
Shareholders wishing to submit a matter for consideration by the AGM must send a request in writing to the Board of Directors. Any such request must normally be received by the Board no later than seven weeks before the General Meeting.