Eternalis' land database creates unique competitive advantages
For three to four years, Eternali has built up a unique land database in Brazil. The information will now be used to guide the company correctly in its forest investments and ensure an uncompromising sustainability profile.
It is a completely unique database that we have built up over three to four years on site in Brazil. It may seem overambitious, but we are convinced that it will give us unique competitive advantages in terms of access to raw materials, says Andreas Forsell who is the incoming CEO of Eternali.
There are 7.5 million hectares of eucalyptus plantations and we are targeting 10,000 of these. Then it is of course important to ensure that we get the best possible quality and delivery conditions. The database then becomes extremely important in order for us to do well-informed decisions, says Andreas.
The land database fulfills several important functions, according to Andreas.
To begin with, it helps us identify the type of eucalyptus that is available or that can be planted in each area. There are over 200 eucalyptus varieties in Brazil, which is why this information can be absolutely decisive for how fast the trees can be expected to grow and what they are suitable for industrially.
We also collect technical specifications and have made our own environmental inspections of the land. Among other things, we gather information on groundwater levels to ensure that planting conditions are optimal. In addition, we map the proximity of the ground to ports to get the best possible logistics while ensuring the lowest possible climate footprint.
Over the past three to four years, Eternali has inventoried 25,000 hectares of unused land for the acquisition and replanting of trees. But the work is constantly ongoing.
It is our local presence and unique database that make us competitive. One may ask why large European paper mills have not focused on eucalyptus, but I think the answer is that it requires a lot of preparatory work where you have to have local expertise in place. As a niche player with a local presence, we can have a completely different focus. And it is thanks to our database that we can create clear competitive advantages, Andreas concludes.